Through My Eyes
Saturday, October 30, 2004
  ABC News: Bush, Kerry Seek Edge From bin Laden Tape
The thing that I don't understand about this Osama Bin Laden tape thing is that everyone says that people who are more worried about terrorism will vote for Bush.


This makes no sense whatsoever. For one thing, 9/11 happened on BUSH'S WATCH!! HE was the PRESIDENT when the ATTACKS happened!! AND he never did catch the perpetrator, instead choosing to go after IRAQ who were NEVER A THREAT!!

BUSH is the weakest president on terror that I could imagine. He failed to listen to the FBI and Richard Clarke, he fails to recognize that his actions will result in a much greater "terrorist threat" than we have ever faced.

ABC News: Bush, Kerry Seek Edge From bin Laden Tape

In four years, should Bush win this election, we WILL have a draft, we WILL still be in Iraq, and the number of places that Americans are welcome to travel abroad will be reduced. This in itself might not be a big deal to some people who don't recognize that we are actually part of the same planet as the rest of these people, but it's not exactly a good practice to go around pissing people off for the hell of it. Live by the sword, die by the sword.

Bush is an overgrown teenager, with no adult judgment, no sense of responsibility, no sense of right and wrong, and no ability to make complex decisions. He has shown this over and over, and anyone who points this out as I just did is dismissed as a "Liberal."

Sticks and stones...but your policies CAN hurt me, Mr. Bush, and boy, do they.

Location: California, United States

With so many things to experience, and only one lifetime in which to do it, I've gotta keep it moving!

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